About us
Experienced professionals with operational backgrounds as advanced IEDD operators...
We provide world class training...
Our team includes a wide range of hand-picked C-IED subject matter experts from across US, UK and Europe to ensure we can meet our customers exact requirements and deliver world class training. The wider support team includes Special Forces team leaders, CT Policing specialists, Firearms experts, Forensic Scientists, CBRNe specialists and electronics engineers.
Examples of recent training deliverables:
- Assault Search
- Assault IEDD
- CBRNe Search

2012 - Wildcat-IS formed
Former UK EOD commanders intending to create a new standard for training consultancy in the CT sector. Developed a sub-contracting relationship with several primes to support business in US with military and police units.
2015 - First major contract delivered
First major contract successfully delivered to European Defence Agency involving CBRNe and EOD specialists from 7 member states.
2017 - Team expansion
Expanded Wildcat team to include wider CT expertise and a multi-national instructor base.
2019 - Sustained growth
Sustained business development and entry into European market with most clients requesting repeat annual business throughout the Covid pandemic where we continued to travel to EU/US and delivered training in UK.
We provide experienced and highly qualified consultants to deliver bespoke services. Many are also involved in Reserve service, United Nations missions and volunteer work with UK emergency services to maintain currency and technical competencies.
Our training is designed to be PRICELESS:
- Plenty of Practical
- Realistic
- Interactive
- Current threats
- Experience acknowledged
- Learner-centred
- Enjoyable
- Successful
- Self-reflection