Counter IED Training & Consultancy
Bespoke Quotation
Click here to submit your contact details and a custom request for a quote.
We can take your request and get back to you with a price which you can place an order with.
Useful for complex orders with many components!
For purchases of pre-built devices, visit our Shop page
Why Wildcat-IS?
Realistic, practical Counter IED training designed to meet clients needs

Range of Training & Devices
Past Performance
This includes successful courses with NATO and the European Defence Agency, US Federal agencies and numerous law enforcement, Special Forces and military units from Europe, USA and UK. References can be provided on request.
- Modules
- Circuits for training
- Bespoke 3D printed enclosures
- Training Aids
- Classroom inert display items
- Historic or example IED models
- Bespoke devices for specific training requirements